South Kordofan: Security forces collect weapons after clash

The Sudanese security service and police in Abu Jubeiha, South Kordofan, carried out a large collection campaign of weapons owned by civilians on Thursday.

Collected weapons (file photo)

The Sudanese security service and police in Abu Jubeiha, South Kordofan, carried out a large collection campaign of weapons owned by civilians on Thursday.

The collection took place in the market of Abu Jubeiha, and comes as a precaution after the clashes between members of the Kenana tribe last week in villages of Abu Jubeiha. Two people were killed while 43 people were wounded and dozens of people were arrested.

The fighting, with guns and knives, spread to the villages of Fatatat. The violence continued for two days until police intervened.

The local security committee has now issued orders that prevent anyone from carrying knives, swords or sticks in markets. Witnesses from Abu Jubeiha told Radio Dabanga that on Wednesday, a joint police and security force carried out large-scale searches in the market, taking away all arms held by civilians.

Residents in Abu Jubeiha are unhappy with the campaign, as the carrying of a stick and wearing a knife is an integral part of the culture in the area.

