South Kordofan prohibits trade in rebel-held areas

The Governor of South Kordofan State, Major General Adam Eisa, has issued a temporarily decree whereby he banned trading with the population in the rebel-hold areas. Lawbreakers are punishable by death or life imprisonment. Their confiscated goods are allocated to the state and the military force that enforced the confiscation.

It stipualtes, however, the possibility to sentence the traders with short-term imprisonment or the imposition of a fine.

The Governor of South Kordofan State, Major General Adam Eisa, has issued a temporarily decree whereby he banned trading with the population in the rebel-hold areas. Lawbreakers are punishable by death or life imprisonment. Their confiscated goods are allocated to the state and the military force that enforced the confiscation.

It stipualtes, however, the possibility to sentence the traders with short-term imprisonment or the imposition of a fine.

Prohibited are the provision of goods, services, clothes, fuel, medicines, or any means of communication, form of financial support, or sale. Purchasing or possessing goods or services related to these groups or affiliates and agents which exercise trading, is also banned. The decree punishes traders with the confiscation of their property.

The decree says the confiscated funds, goods or commodities will be used to benefit the South Kordofan state. However, it stipulates that 40% of the confiscated items should be allocated to the military force that conducted the operation.

The Sudanese government recently declared a two-month ceasefire, but at the same time keeps mobilising troops from the army and the Rapid Support Forces who are more and more involved in the fight in South Kordofan.

