‘South Darfur stands to lose medical specialists’: Doctors

A group of 17 deputy medical specialists at Nyala Teaching Hospital in South Darfur have withdrawn their services and threaten to leave South Darfur for good after the Ministry of Health relinquished its commitments and Nyala hospital stopped six of them from work.

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A group of 17 deputy medical specialists at Nyala Teaching Hospital in South Darfur have withdrawn their services and threaten to leave South Darfur for good after the Ministry of Health relinquished its commitments and Nyala hospital stopped six of them from work.

Dr Mohamed Idris told Radio Dabanga that the deputy specialists were surprised by the decision of the hospital administration to stop six of the deputies specialists from work and obliging the rest of the doctors to sign in the paper of receipt of work commitment not to hold meetings, claim their financial rights, or discuss such issues with the hospital administration.

He said that as a result, the deputy specialists withdrew from work yesterday and gave a 24-hour period to return their six colleagues, withdraw the consent of the receipt of this work, in addition to the implementation of all agreements reached between them and the administration of the hospital,. “If not, they will leave Nyala and return to the medical council in Khartoum.

Dr Idris explained that the security apparatus in Nyala summoned five doctors for investigation in the apparatus offices in the city including Dr Ahmed Hamid on Monday.

Four other doctors were summoned earlier.

Last week Doctors at the Nyala Teaching Hospital threatened to leave South Darfur if the state Health Minister does not apologise for expelling a specialist and rebuking the doctors, and respond to their demands.

The doctors gave the state government three days to resolve the problem and meet their demands.

