South Darfur Governor accuses ‘NCP affiliates’ of fraud

The Governor of South Darfur, Major General Adam Mahmoud Jar El Nabi, has accused state government employees, in particular the “affiliates” of the National Congress Party (NCP) of being behind cases of fraud recently detected in the state administration. Addressing a Shura (leadership) Council meeting of the NCP in the state capital Nyala on Saturday, the Governor said that cases of corruption in the civil service have been detected.”The payrolls of South Darfur State government employees contain names of deceased peopole, retirees, and dismissed staff who are still receiving their salaries. There are ninth-grade employees who own sizable buildings in the Nyala district of El Matar and drive the latest model cars. However they cannot present original copies of their certificates. This is clearly fraud.” The governor pointed to “NCP affiliates” by saying: “You are behind these fraud cases. Whether you like it or not, we have documents proving it”. He announced the formation of a committee to discuss “the flaws in the civil service files” and review the employees’ grades. The committee is supposed to submit its final report by the end of December. File photo: Reintegration programme for former members of the Popular Defence Forces, Nyala, 2011 (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The Governor of South Darfur, Major General Adam Mahmoud Jar El Nabi, has accused state government employees, in particular the “affiliates” of the National Congress Party (NCP) of being behind cases of fraud recently detected in the state administration.

Addressing a Shura (leadership) Council meeting of the NCP in the state capital Nyala on Saturday, the Governor said that cases of corruption in the civil service have been detected.

“The payrolls of South Darfur State government employees contain names of deceased peopole, retirees, and dismissed staff who are still receiving their salaries. There are ninth-grade employees who own sizable buildings in the Nyala district of El Matar and drive the latest model cars. However they cannot present original copies of their certificates. This is clearly fraud.”

The governor pointed to “NCP affiliates” by saying: “You are behind these fraud cases. Whether you like it or not, we have documents proving it”.

He announced the formation of a committee to discuss “the flaws in the civil service files” and review the employees’ grades. The committee is supposed to submit its final report by the end of December.

File photo: Reintegration programme for former members of the Popular Defence Forces, Nyala, 2011 (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

