SLA-AW says rebel alliance defeats Sudan force west of Jebel Marra

The rebel forces in Darfur clashed Thursday with a large force from the government’s side in the area of Sabanga, west of Jebel Mara. Nimr Abdul Rahman, the spokesperson of Abdul Wahid’s faction, told Radio Dabanga that the government forces were on their way from Golo to Rokero west of Jebel Marra.

The rebel forces in Darfur clashed Thursday with a large force from the government’s side in the area of Sabanga, west of Jebel Mara. Nimr Abdul Rahman, the spokesperson of Abdul Wahid’s faction, told Radio Dabanga that the government forces were on their way from Golo to Rokero west of Jebel Marra. The government troops clashed with a joint rebel force comprising loyalists of the various factions — Abdel Wahid, Khalil, Minawi and Karbino — and they were defeated and forced to flee. Nimr affirmed that the rebel forces captured 15 vehicles that were loaded with different kinds of weapons and destroyed five other vehicles besides capturing eight soldiers of the government. Radio Dabanga could not contact the army for comments.

For his part, Karbino, the commander-in-chief of ground forces of the Liberation and Justice Movement who broke away from the leadership of Doha-based Dr. Tijani Al Sese, told Radio Dabanga that the armed rebel forces in Darfur will not negotiate with the National Congress Party again. Karbino also told Radio Dabanga that the only way for the people of Sudan to rest from the suffering and killings is to bring an end to the regime of the government. He stated that they are now coordinating with the forces of the faction in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile to topple the regime in Khartoum.

