Singer knifed to death in North Darfur

Folk singer Hamid Abakar Douda was stabbed to death in west Nyala on Thursday morning.

Folk singer Hamid Abakar Douda was stabbed to death in west Nyala on Thursday morning.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that three men first attacked Douda in his home at 3 am. They then took him to an area west of Nyala, capital of South Darfur, where they stabbed him three times in the chest. Douda died instantly.

The police pursued the offenders and exchanged fire with them at Sandera in El Ferdous locality in East Darfur, where a policeman and one of the suspects were severely injured.

A witness recounted that one of the offenders opened fire on a policeman who was in pursuit. Another policeman managed to shoot the suspect. Both the injured policeman and the suspect were transferred to El Daein Hospital for treatment.

