Sharp comments on social media about first images of Al Bashir

The images of the ousted president Omar Al Bashir in which he is led by a crowd of guards from Kober Prison in Khartoum North to the office of the Attorney General last weekend sparked sharp comments on social media. Is corruption really all he should be charged with?

Ousted Sudanese president Omar Al Bashir is transferred from Kober prison to the office of the Public Prosecutor to hear the charges against him (Photo: SUNA)

The images of the ousted president Omar Al Bashir in which he is led by a crowd of guards from Kober Prison in Khartoum North to the office of the Attorney General last weekend sparked sharp comments on social media. Is corruption really all he should be charged with?

Commentators on social media described the images of Al Bashir as “a poor play” by the court and the TMC and claimed it was meant to distract the people from the current situation and the massacre at the Khartoum sit-in on June 3. They also claim that the TMC is showing Al Bashir in this way to suggest that the regime is in the process of eliminating corruption.


The commentators on social media pointed out that Al Bashir has killed more than half a million Sudanese and yet there is apparently a desire to just hold him accountable for financial corruption: possession of foreign currency and illegal wealth. Al Bashir himself has admitted that he had killed tens of thousands of people in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile.

Prison clothes

As for his wearing a traditional Sudanese garb rather than prison clothes, social commentators ridiculed the management of Kober Prison, saying they appear to be suffering from a severe shortage of prison clothes.

