Seven Sudanese shot dead by armed robbers near Delling

Seven people were killed and ten others injured west of Delling in northern South Kordofan on Friday.
Abdelrahim Kounda reported to Radio Dabanga that a group of armed men ambushed a tractor with a trailer loaded with passengers on Friday.
They were travelling from Abu Janouk to Wali, west of Delling town. The attackers shot at them, killing seven. Ten others were wounded.
The wounded were taken to the area of Teima for treatment, Kounda said.
“Such violent incidents are happening very regularly these days,” he explained. “They can be attributed to old, existing tensions between the local population, mostly consisting of Nuba farmers, and Misseriya herders over pastures.”

A passenger vehicle is stuck in the mud in Dalami, South Kordofan during the rainy season, September 21 (Abdelrahim Kounda)

Seven people were killed and ten others injured west of Delling in northern South Kordofan on Friday.

A group of armed men ambushed a tractor with a trailer loaded with passengers on Friday, Abdelrahim Kounda reported to Radio Dabanga yesterday.

They were travelling from Abu Janouk to Wali, west of Delling town. The attackers shot at them, killing seven. Ten others who were wounded, were taken to the area of Teima for treatment.

“Such violent incidents are happening very regularly these days,” Kounda explained. “They can be attributed to old, existing tensions between the local population, mostly consisting of Nuba farmers, and Misseriya herders over land issues.”

In July, the Sudanese Defence and Security Council reportedly took a number of decisions, including sending military reinforcements to restore security in Red Sea state and South Kordofan.

