Sesame harvest in eastern Sudan ‘in danger’
Farmers in eastern Sudan’s El Gedaref fear the sesame harvest will fail this year, owing to the continuously rising costs and the scarcity of diesel, liquidity, and labour forces.
Several farmers complained to Radio Dabanga from El Gedaref that it is extremely hard to find sufficient quantities of diesel to run the harvest machines and arrange transport for the labourers.
Their actions are limited as well by the liquidity crisis, they said. Daily withdrawals at the local banks are still limited to SDG 2,000 ($ 43*).
They also complained about the rising costs in general and the scarcity of labour. “Despite the suspension of the school classes and the bringing-in of large numbers of regular forces to help-out with harvesting, we’re still short of labour forces,” a plantation owner said.

Farmers in eastern Sudan’s El Gedaref fear the sesame harvest will fail this year, owing to the continuously rising costs and the scarcity of diesel, liquidity, and labour forces.
Several farmers complained to Radio Dabanga from El Gedaref that it is extremely hard to find sufficient quantities of diesel to run the harvest machines and arrange transport for the labourers.
Their actions are limited as well by the liquidity crisis, they said. Daily withdrawals at the local banks are still limited to SDG 2,000 ($ 43*).
They also complained about the rising costs in general and the scarcity of labour. “Despite the suspension of the school classes and the bringing-in of large numbers of regular forces to help-out with harvesting, we’re still short of labour forces,” a plantation owner said.
* Based on the daily US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan.