Security clamp-down in Central Darfur

On Wednesday the security committee of Central Darfur issued a decision prohibiting the bearing of arms in markets and public places, wearing the face-covering kadamol in Um Dukhun locality, as well as banning unlicensed motorcycles, tribal gatherings, and crowds.

On Wednesday the security committee of Central Darfur issued a decision prohibiting the bearing of arms in markets and public places, wearing the face-covering kadamol in Um Dukhun locality, as well as banning unlicensed motorcycles, tribal gatherings, and crowds.

The Deputy Governor of Central Darfur, who arrived in Um Dukhun on Wednesday at the head of the state security committee, announced that he is sending 40 vehicles carrying Rapid Support Forces (RSF) “to collect arms and implement reconciliation agreements on the ground”.

On Tuesday, Um Dukhun institutions, government facilities, and shops closed as a force of police and joint Chadian-Sudanese forces entered the market. They took up the position after a tribal group of eight people assaulted and bead an Um Dukhun resident in the market.

On Wednesday Central Darfur police announced the arrest of one of the biggest gangs that has recently been active in killings, theft, and drug dealing in the region.

The police said in a statement that the gang members are being subjected to initial investigations with the view of bringing them to justice.

The statement said the initial investigations have revealed the existence of arrest warrants against them issued by the police of the states of West and South Darfur.

