Security arrest two IDPs from West Darfur camp

The Security Service arrested in Zalingei on Saturday Adam Ahmed Mohamed and Ismail Abdelrahman, both 28 years old. They are residents of Khamsa Degaig, a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs). The camp lies south-east of Zalingei.

The Security Service arrested in Zalingei on Saturday Adam Ahmed Mohamed and Ismail Abdelrahman, both 28 years old. They are residents of Khamsa Degaig, a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs). The camp lies south-east of Zalingei.

The men were working at the oil presses in the town. They were arrested and taken to an unknown destination. The displaced told Radio Dabanga from Zalingei that the security agency did not explain the reason for arrest and did not allow their families to visit them.



