Schools demanded for Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya

Camp residents in Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur have urged the Ministry of Education to provide better school services for the children in the camp.

Camp residents in Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur have urged the Ministry of Education to provide better school services for the children in the camp.

Following a meeting between the camp's administration and a delegation of state educators on Monday, the coordinator of Shangil Tobaya camps said that there is a significant increase in the number of school dropouts in Kabkabiya locality.

The coordinator reported that there are about 1,500 children in the camp, aged 8-10 years, that do not go to school. About 500 children aged 4-6 years to not attend kindergarten. He added there is a significant shortage of teachers.

“We asked the educational delegation to promise to provide care for these children, including pamphlets, books, and school uniforms.”

Last month an official in Shaddad camp in Shangil Tobaya reported that there are about 160 displaced orphans, mostly girls, who live in a poor humanitarian and psychological condition.

South Darfur

The Governor of South Darfur, Adam El Faki, announced that 2016 is the year of education in his state, on Monday when outstanding students of the Sudan School Certificate of Model were honoured.

“The most important reform of society tools is by means of education though school dropout reduction and to change the thinking of society for the better.”

El Faki announced his government's commitment to support the South Darfur Model School for Boys in order to continue its leading role in raising the name of the state in Sudan.

