‘Saraf Umra is one big prison’: North Darfur camp coordinator

The people of North Darfur’s Saraf Umra, particularly in the southern part of the locality, are suffering from insecurity, in the absence of local authorities. “The security situation in Saraf Umra locality is extremely bad,” the coordinator of the Saraf Umra camps told Radio Dabanga. “Security forces and local authorities are entirely absent. Government-backed militiamen have taken over police stations and security posts. They are in complete control of the locality and its inhabitants.” “About 300 displaced in the area of Birkat Seira are living entirely at the mercy of militiamen. They are not allowed to leave their villages, and their food ration cards have been taken from them by an Omda in the area.” The camp coordinator described the economic situation in the locality as “extremely difficult”. “The Saraf Umra town market burned to the ground, and the road linking Saraf Umra with El Sareif has been closed because of the insecurity. So no food arrives at the locality. And the militiamen prevent us from leaving.” “Saraf Umra locality has become one big prison,” he concluded, and called upon the UN Security Council and the African Union to intervene, “break the siege imposed by militias on the population of Saraf Omra, and to provide immediate support”. File photo (Radio Dabanga) Related:’Displacement from Saraf Umra ongoing’: Darfur camp coordinator (22 April 2014) Militia pillages North Darfur town (18 April 2014)Darfur gold concession winner warned-off by Hilal (17 April 2014)’More protection against violence’: North Darfur’s displaced (28 March 2014)

The people of North Darfur’s Saraf Umra, particularly in the southern part of the locality, are suffering from insecurity, in the absence of local authorities.

“The security situation in Saraf Umra locality is extremely bad,” the coordinator of the Saraf Umra camps told Radio Dabanga. “Security forces and local authorities are entirely absent. Government-backed militiamen have taken over police stations and security posts. They are in complete control of the locality and its inhabitants.”

“About 300 displaced in the area of Birkat Seira are living entirely at the mercy of militiamen. They are not allowed to leave their villages, and their food ration cards have been taken from them by an Omda in the area.”

The camp coordinator described the economic situation in the locality as “extremely difficult”. “The Saraf Umra town market burned to the ground, and the road linking Saraf Umra with El Sareif has been closed because of the insecurity. So no food arrives at the locality. And the militiamen prevent us from leaving.”

“Saraf Umra locality has become one big prison,” he concluded, and called upon the UN Security Council and the African Union to intervene, “break the siege imposed by militias on the population of Saraf Omra, and to provide immediate support”.

File photo (Radio Dabanga)


‘Displacement from Saraf Umra ongoing’: Darfur camp coordinator (22 April 2014)

Militia pillages North Darfur town (18 April 2014)

Darfur gold concession winner warned-off by Hilal (17 April 2014)

‘More protection against violence’: North Darfur’s displaced (28 March 2014)


