Robbers injured in Central Darfur

On Monday, four people, among them two gunmen, were wounded in an attack on a commercial vehicle in Wadi Salih locality, Central Darfur.
One of the passengers told Radio Dabanga that they were on their way from Central Darfur’s capital of Zalingei to Deleig, when, in the area of Gobi, 8 km east of Deleig, three militiamen stopped the van at gunpoint.

Four people, among them two gunmen, were wounded in an attack on a commercial vehicle in Wadi Salih locality, Central Darfur, on Monday.

One of the passengers told Radio Dabanga that they were on their way from Central Darfur’s capital of Zalingei to Deleig, when, in the area of Gobi, 8 km east of Deleig, three militiamen stopped the van at gunpoint.

“They told us to disembark, and started beating us with their rifle butts. Yet, another passenger managed to grab the gun of one of the attackers, beat him with it, and threatened the other two. The rest of the passengers joined him, and in the ensuing fight, the driver of the vehicle, a passengers, and two of the gunmen were injured.”

“We have handed the three robbers to the police in Deleig,” he added.

