Returnees lack services in Kabkabiya, North Darfur

A large number of displaced people who have returned to their homes in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur over the past two months, still lack health and water services.

A large number of displaced people who have returned to their homes in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur over the past two months, still lack health and water services.

An estimated 400 displaced people have returned to their villages of origin in the administrative unit Jebel Si. Sudan Jameel, a leader of a former small armed movement that signed a peace agreement with Khartoum, reported their arrival to Radio Dabanga.

“Humanitarian organisations have to speed-up the provision of support and services to these 400 returnees. They are suffering from a severe lack of services, medicine, health services and clean drinking water, this as well as a shortage of schools.”

There are no verified reports at the moment on exactly where the displaced people returned from over the past two months.

