Resistance Committees in Sudan capital release new charter ‘to overthrow October 25 coup’
The Khartoum Resistance Committees announced their proposal of a People’s Authority Charter aiming at uniting the revolutionary forces in the country. The charter, announced by the resistance committees in a press conference, stipulates the overthrow of the October 25 coup, and the accountability of all those involved in it.

The Khartoum Resistance Committees announced their proposal of a People’s Authority Charter aiming at uniting the revolutionary forces in the country. The charter, announced by the resistance committees in a press conference, stipulates the overthrow of the October 25 coup, and the accountability of all those involved in it.
It also proposes the cancellation of the entire August 2019 Constitutional Declaration signed by Sudan’s then ruling Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC). It asserts that independent technocrats should be appointed as ministers who are to assume their sovereign and executive duties immediately after the coup is overthrown.
The charter stipulates the formation of a Legislative Council of the forces of the living revolution, the review and restructuring of the security institutions (intelligence, police and army) and the formation of a unified national army after the dissolution and integration of all members of state militias, including the Rapid Support Forces within the army.
With regard to the economic aspect, the charter emphasizes building a national economic programme that balances public debt management and economic development programmes based on mobilizing internal resources, with the Ministry of Finance’s mandate over public money.
The charter emphasized the withdrawal of the forces participating in the Yemen war, and issues such as normalization with Israel and a national conference should be postponed to be discussed later.
The Juba Peace Agreement must be a completely reviewed to address the shortcomings of the document and should be included in a more comprehensive framework.
The charter excludes all the forces that participated in the former Al Bashir regime until the moment of its fall, and the forces that participated in the October 25 coup.
All civil and political forces that participated in negotiations with the security committee of the ousted regime must present an objective evaluation of the experience and public apology for the mistakes that resulted from it.