Renewed RSF shelling in North Darfur

Aftermath of shelling in El Fasher, on May 26 (Photo: El Fasher Resistance Committes via Facebook)

North Darfur’s capital of El Fasher witnessed renewed artillery shelling by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) earlier today. The RSF bombardment targeted key areas including the Grand Market and the police chief’s office, suspending the brief lull that had lasted since yesterday afternoon.

The Darfur Displaced and Refugee Camps Coordination reported that RSF shelling yesterday killed five displaced individuals and injured four others at the Abu Shouk camp, located northwest of the city. Adam Rijal, the spokesperson for the coordination, confirmed that shells fell in blocks 3, 6, 7, and 13 of the camp. The total number of casualties was uncertain because of the ongoing atacks and disrupted communication networks.

The Sudan Liberation Movement faction led by Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) also stated that the RSF bombarded El Fasher with over 26 heavy artillery rounds between 9:00 and noon yesterday. The attack targeted various neighbourhoods and displacement camps, resulting in six fatalities and 14 injuries. Additionally, a person was killed and another injured when shells fired by the RSF struck the Iqraa Hospital.

El Fasher detention

Radio Dabanga reported yesterday that the Darfur Bar Association (DBA) has condemned “serious violations” committed against former parliamentarian and human rights defender Siham Hasaballah, who was reportedly detained in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, by members of the SLM-MM. It is worth noting that Minawi’s forces formally aligned with the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) last March.

The lawyer was abducted from her home in El Fasher and held in solitary confinement in ‘Super Camp’ for nine days. “During this period, she was reportedly tortured physically and mentally, beaten with whips, and harassed, all without any justification,” the DBA reported.

Hasaballah, who held a parliamentary seat for two terms, is a staunch defender of rights and freedoms in Darfur and Sudan. The DBA considers her detention a clear violation of rights guaranteed under national and international laws and human rights treaties ratified by Sudan.

