Red Sea electricity committee: ‘Protesters to blockade Khartoum-Port Sudan highway on Sunday’
The electricity committee of western Red Sea state has announced its intention to barricade the Khartoum-Port Sudan highway on Sunday, June 26, in protest against “the Ministry of Finance’s procrastination in implementing its promises to disburse the remaining amounts of electricity payments to state companies.

The electricity committee of western Red Sea state has announced its intention to barricade the Khartoum-Port Sudan highway on Sunday, June 26, in protest against “the Ministry of Finance’s procrastination in implementing its promises to disburse the remaining amounts of electricity payments to state companies.
Haroun Adam Ahmed, leading member of the Western Red Sea State Electricity Committee (Haya, Sinkat, and Jebeit localities) told Radio Dabanga’s Sudan Today programme, that they took the decision to barricade the highway due to the Ministry of Finance’s procrastination in implementing its promises to disburse the remaining amounts of electricity payments to state companies.
The committee has forewarned transport companies, travel buses, livestock exporters, and others that they will blockade the road, and called for support for their action.
Ahmed says that the committee has approached the Ministry of Finance more than once, accompanied by the representative of the executing company on June 6, based on the promises of the Minister of Finance, buthe would not meet with them. “This is considered a clear procrastination in paying the company’s dues,” Ahmed says.