Red Cross confirms Darfur rebels release 35 soldiers

The Justice and Equality Movement this week handed over 35 prisoners of war to the Sudanese authorities, the Red Cross stated yesterday. The International Committee of the Red Cross facilitated the handover in Nyala, the largest town of southern Darfur. Both the army and the rebels had asked the NGO to act as a neutral intermediary. In May, the Red Cross played a similar role in two handovers totalling over 100 army prisoners. Darfur’s JEM rebels claimed that 34 of the soldiers were from the Central Reserve Force. Ahmed Hussein Adam, spokesman, said that the prisoners had been captured in a battle on 3 June.

The Justice and Equality Movement this week handed over 35 prisoners of war to the Sudanese authorities, the Red Cross stated yesterday. The International Committee of the Red Cross facilitated the handover in Nyala, the largest town of southern Darfur. Both the army and the rebels had asked the NGO to act as a neutral intermediary. In May, the Red Cross played a similar role in two handovers totalling over 100 army prisoners. Darfur’s JEM rebels claimed that 34 of the soldiers were from the Central Reserve Force. Ahmed Hussein Adam, spokesman, said that the prisoners had been captured in a battle on 3 June.

