Rape victim waits full day for treatment in Central Darfur

Two militiamen raped a 12 year-old girl of the Hamidiya camp for the displaced in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur on Sunday. As the police was extremely slow with issuing the required Form 8*, a relative said, the girl had to wait a full day before being treated.   The girl was collecting straw at Wadi Azum, at about one and a half km from the camp, when she was intercepted by two gunmen on horses. “These Janjaweed raped her alternately,” a relative of the victim told Radio Dabanga. “A group of people found the girl in a bad condition late on Sunday afternoon. They brought her immediately to a hospital, where they refused to treat her without a copy of a filed complaint and Form 8,” she added. She said that it took almost a day to convince the police to issue the required form. “Finally, at 5 pm on Monday, we received the document, and the victim could be treated.” Terror On Sunday evening, at about 9 pm, a group of militiamen approached Hamidiya camp, and began firing in the air. The shooting lasted two hours, and terrified the camp residents immensely, the coordinator of the Central Darfur camps reported to Radio Dabanga. “Hamidiya camp elders have officially requested the nearby Unamid forces more than once to conduct patrols around the camp, to no avail,” he added. * Form 8 In Sudan, medical evidence of an assault is admitted solely via the so-called Form 8. It can be issued only by police stations, or approved hospitals and clinics. Critics state that Form 8 is “glaringly inadequate”, as sufficient medical evidence is often very difficult to obtain. File photo by Didier Ruef Related:Sudan: Two raped, 20 wounded in militia attack on Omdurman district (1 December 2014)Woman gang-raped in Central Darfur (30 November 2014)

Two militiamen raped a 12 year-old girl of the Hamidiya camp for the displaced in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur on Sunday. As the police was extremely slow with issuing the required Form 8*, a relative said, the girl had to wait a full day before being treated.  

The girl was collecting straw at Wadi Azum, at about one and a half km from the camp, when she was intercepted by two gunmen on horses. “These Janjaweed raped her alternately,” a relative of the victim told Radio Dabanga.

“A group of people found the girl in a bad condition late on Sunday afternoon. They brought her immediately to a hospital, where they refused to treat her without a copy of a filed complaint and Form 8,” she added.

She said that it took almost a day to convince the police to issue the required form. “Finally, at 5 pm on Monday, we received the document, and the victim could be treated.”


On Sunday evening, at about 9 pm, a group of militiamen approached Hamidiya camp, and began firing in the air. The shooting lasted two hours, and terrified the camp residents immensely, the coordinator of the Central Darfur camps reported to Radio Dabanga.

“Hamidiya camp elders have officially requested the nearby Unamid forces more than once to conduct patrols around the camp, to no avail,” he added.

* Form 8

In Sudan, medical evidence of an assault is admitted solely via the so-called Form 8. It can be issued only by police stations, or approved hospitals and clinics. Critics state that Form 8 is “glaringly inadequate”, as sufficient medical evidence is often very difficult to obtain.

File photo by Didier Ruef


Sudan: Two raped, 20 wounded in militia attack on Omdurman district (1 December 2014)

Woman gang-raped in Central Darfur (30 November 2014)


