Protesting doctors in North Kordofan hospital lay down work

Doctors in El Obeid strike against the deteriorated security situation, non-payment of salaries, and a lack of medicines, until solutions are found.

Doctors in El Obeid entered into a general strike from work yesterday, in an attempt to improve the security situation during their work and the payment of salaries.

The committee of doctors in the capital city of North Kordofan announced embarking on strike on Wednesday. Committee member Dr Abdelnasir Mohamed Osman informed Radio Dabanaga that they called on all specialists to participate in the strike.

The general practioner in El Obeid's educational hospital explained that they will lay down their work until solutions are found to the problems doctors are facing. Osman pointed to an attack on doctors inside his hospital, the deterioration of the work environment, and a lack of salary payments. “The committee will not accept partial solutions, because we work under harsh conditions, also owing to a lack of assistive devices and a scarcity of medicines.”

Doctors in the education hospital already started a partial strike on 3 June, outraged by an assault by members of the military intelligence on their colleagues for a delay in a surgical operation.

Dr Osman: “Because of a delay of an operation, owing to a shortage of anesthesia specialists, eleven military intelligence members beat Dr Nasreldin Suleiman, who is a general surgery specialist, general practioner Dr Mohamed Mirghani, and another female doctor.

“The doctors bear all the problems facing the citizens, because of this shortage of medicines and assistive devices,” the doctor stressed to Radio Dabanga.

