Port Sudan water protests ‘expected to escalate’ as party HQ stormed

Several activists are still in detention by security forces in the Red Sea state against the backdrop of demonstrations in protest against the lack of drinking water that have lasted for more than a week. In addition, the security services stormed the headquarters of the Sudanese Congress Party on Monday evening.

Millions of Sudanese people rely on hand-operated well pumps for their water supply (File photo: UNEP)

Several activists are still in detention by security forces in the Red Sea state against the backdrop of demonstrations in protest against the lack of drinking water that have lasted for more than a week. In addition, the security services stormed the headquarters of the Sudanese Congress Party on Monday evening.

Journalist Amin Sinada told Radio Dabanga: “The severe water crisis is still going on despite official allegations to bringing five water pumps to solve the crisis”.

He predicted the escalation of the pace of protests in the coming days because of the escalation of the crisis.

Party HQ stormed

The Sudanese Congress Party condemned the storming of its headquarters in Port Sudan on Monday and inspected it to view the documents without the permission of the Party Affairs Council, which is considered a violation of the parties’ act, which provides for the immunity of party headquarters from the inspection without permission.

The Beja Congress called on the Red Sea state to fulfil the repeated sovereignty promises to resolve the water crisis in the Red Sea state and hasten to find a radical solution to this crisis, referring to the evaporation of the President’s repeated promises during his visits to the state.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North of Malik Agar leadership (SPLM-N) condemned the use of violence to end the peaceful demonstrations in Port Sudan and the arrest of a number of demonstrators and called for the immediate release of detainees.

Water pumps airlifted

Yesterday a cargo aircraft carrying Port Sudan’s emergency water pumps arrived at Port Sudan airport after the main electricity cable stalled before the Eid which caused problem of water services in Port Sudan.

The Governor of Port Sudan considered arrival of the pumps as a real impetus for the further stability of the water services of Port Sudan.

He said that from Wednesday, he would be camping in the area of Arbaat until these pumps are installed to help and contribute to the overall stability of the situation.

Adubina area south of Tokar in Red Sea state is experiencing a severe water crisis due to the disruption of the only operating water engine.

Residents from the area said a number of wells had been buried and other wells had been depleted due to lack of regular maintenance.

They said they are forced to fetch water from neighbouring Uqaitai area.

They demanded that more wells be dug in the area to solve the water problem.

