Port Sudan water activists still detained

The security apparatus of the Red Sea state has continued to detain activists El Mahi Hashim, secretary-general of the civil forces in Port Sudan and Mazin El Amin against the backdrop of the demonstrations in Port Sudan which have lasted for more than a week in protest against the water crisis.

Port Sudan street protest 12 June (RD)

The security apparatus of the Red Sea state has continued to detain activists El Mahi Hashim, secretary-general of the civil forces in Port Sudan and Mazin El Amin against the backdrop of the demonstrations in Port Sudan which have lasted for more than a week in protest against the water crisis.

Hashim has reportedly been transferred to the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.

Journalist Amin Sinada told Radio Dabanga: “The authorities did not bring the detainees to trial, were not charged and their families were not allowed to visit them or know their situation”.

He considered this as a blatant violation of their rights as citizens and a clear violation of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

He called for their immediate release or for a fair trial.

