Police quell student protest Khartoum University

A students protest at Khartoum University was quelled by the security and police forces on Wednesday. A student told Radio Dabanga government police and security services quelled the protest using batons, rubber bullets and tear gas. Police forces assaulted the students and detained injured protesters who were on their way to hospital.

A students protest at Khartoum University was quelled by the security and police forces on Wednesday. A student told Radio Dabanga government police and security services quelled the protest using batons, rubber bullets and tear gas. Police forces assaulted the students and detained injured protesters who were on their way to hospital.

The protesters were demanding the overthrow of the government, an end to the crackdown on peaceful demonstrations and the release of all detainees.

The Sudan Revolutionary Front released a statement on Wednesday after a meeting of the Leadership Council announcing their support for the peaceful protests. They condemned the Sudanese security and police forces for violently repressing the protests. In the statement they demanded the release of all 3020 prisoners detained during the uprising.

Abel Gasim Imam Al Haj the spokesman of Sudanese Revolutionary Front called on all political forces, including youth, women, civil society organizations and trade unions to hold a meeting in order to start a dialogue to create a national democratic programme. In a statement to Radio Dabanga he said “violence creates violence. The Sudanese people will continue their struggle until they manage to topple the regime.”

On Tuesday the US State Department renewed its call on the Sudanese government to investigate reports about violent repression of peaceful protesters.

