Police disperse White Nile land sale protesters

A protest against the enforcement of land distribution in White Nile state resulted in the wounding of four residents on Thursday when police forces intervened.

A protest against the enforcement of land distribution in White Nile state resulted in the wounding of four residents on Thursday when police forces intervened.

People in Asalaya who refuse the authorities' decision to transform El Nasir square to a residential area gathered in the morning to hold a demonstration.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that a police force intervened and used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters.

At the local police station, officers refused to distribute and sign a form (Form 8) for the wounded people which is needed to receive treatment in the hospital.

A resident explained that El Nasir square was planned for the construction of a basic school and kindergarten, and would be a place to hold social events.

