Plans to close Nyala camps and house South Darfur displaced in ‘model villages’

The Association of Displaced Persons and Refugees of Darfur has completely rejected the plans of South Darfur state to close all camps for the displaced around Nyala, the capital of South Darfur. The spokesperson for the Association, Hussein Abu Sharati, affirmed to Radio Dabanga the Association’s “definite rejection of the new housing schemes, also termed model villages”. “The aim of these continuously announced plans by the government is the dismantling of the camps at any cost, whether in Darfur or elsewhere in Sudan. The authorities do not care where the displaced end up or in what conditions they live. It is only interested in splitting communities.” The South Darfur state’s minister of Urban Planning, Eisa Adam Abakar, explained that “the decision to close the camps is made for the sake of the displaced people’s rights without any political motives of any party”, according to the pro-government TV channel Ashorooq. File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid Related: Darfur displaced question value of ‘model villages’ (24 October 2013)Displaced ‘reject Central Darfur model villages’: Sheikh (4 July 2013)

The Association of Displaced Persons and Refugees of Darfur has completely rejected the plans of South Darfur state to close all camps for the displaced around Nyala, the capital of South Darfur.

The spokesperson for the Association, Hussein Abu Sharati, affirmed to Radio Dabanga the Association’s “definite rejection of the new housing schemes, also termed model villages”.

“The aim of these continuously announced plans by the government is the dismantling of the camps at any cost, whether in Darfur or elsewhere in Sudan. The authorities do not care where the displaced end up or in what conditions they live. It is only interested in splitting communities.”

The South Darfur state’s minister of Urban Planning, Eisa Adam Abakar, explained that “the decision to close the camps is made for the sake of the displaced people’s rights without any political motives of any party”, according to the pro-government TV channel Ashorooq.

File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid


Darfur displaced question value of ‘model villages’ (24 October 2013)

Displaced ‘reject Central Darfur model villages’: Sheikh (4 July 2013)



