Opposition: ‘45 civilians dead, 1k+ injured, 2k+ detained in Sudan mass protests’

Opposition sources say that the number of civilians killed by government action to suppress the wave of public mass protests that have swept Sudan for more than two weeks, has risen to 45. More than 1,000 people have been injured and another 2,000 people have reportedly been detained and allegedly tortured.

Police fire on demonstrators in Khartoum this week

Opposition sources say that the number of civilians killed by government action to suppress the wave of public mass protests that have swept Sudan for more than two weeks, has risen to 45. More than 1,000 people have been injured and another 2,000 people have reportedly been detained and allegedly tortured.

In a statement on Tuesday, the National Umma Party (NUP) confirmed that at least 45 people have died, and that “the number of detainees during these peaceful demonstrations exceeded 2,000 detainees in the whole of Sudan, most of whom were tortured.”

The party declared in its statement that “more than 1,000 people have been injured in flagrant violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms”.

The statement pointed out that in every city there are detainees, and on every road there is a point of blood. The party stressed in his statement that “there is no room for retreat with these heavy sacrifices, but to continue the struggle and struggle to achieve the demands of our people in a new regime”.

National Front for Change

In a press conference yesterday, the National Front for Change, composed of 22 parties, called on the Sudanese army to protect peaceful demonstrations, rather than shed blood and kill innocent citizens. It also called for the formation of a neutral commission to investigate the killing of demonstrators and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Hasan Rizig, leader of the Reform Now Movement, appealed to the regular forces not to carry out orders to fire at demonstrators, referring to the penalties for murder.

He condemned the statements of government officials against the burning and vandalism by killing. Rizig called on the regular forces to be aligned with the uprising and to uproot the regime. .

He revealed an imminent meeting between the National Front for Change, which includes 22 parties participating in the government forces Sudan appeal in the coming hours, and said they are providing bridges to the assembly and the Group of 52 to uproot the regime

El Gedaref

In eastern Sudan, the death toll of the December 20 demonstrations in El Gedaref rose to 12 after the family of Mujahid Suleiman, 20, who lives in El Nazer district in El Gedaref, found his body in the mortuary on Monday with a bullet wound in his jaw.

Sources from El Gedaref told Radio Dabanga that the family of the deceased received the body from the morgue and its cave in the graves of El Gedaref, explaining that the competent authorities did not hand over the family of the deceased report from the morgue on the grounds that the investigation is still underway.

The sources pointed out that his family had informed all the competent authorities, including the security service and the Department of the morgue disappeared from the demonstrations Thursday, but did not find any answer from officials. The Central Sudan Doctors Committee announced the injury of eight demonstrators, two of them live bullets, during dispersal by the security services of the demonstrations that erupted on Monday in Khartoum: “Ibrahim Juma was wounded in the head, while Shazli was shot in the right and left thighs, six others were injured in the head and limbs with tear gas. Most of them are in a stable condition at Fadhil, Faisa, and Khartoum hospitals.

The statement said there were a number of cases of suffocation due to the excessive use of tear gas, indicating that the inventories are still ongoing.

White Nile state

In White Nile state, the judge of the Court of Kosti on Monday sentenced two young men to one year in prison with a fine of SDG10,000 ($210*).

Witnesses said that after the verdict was issued, people in the public gallery chanted slogans calling for the regime to be overthrown. The witnesses said the court judge ordered the arrest of all those present.

North Kordofan

In El Obeid in North Kordofan, the court issued a six-month prison term to a number of demonstrators who were arrested during the recent outbreak of demonstrations in the country’s various municipalities, including a number of doctors, teachers and students.

Presidential decision

President Omar Al Bashir on Monday issued a public decision to form a fact-finding committee on recent events in the country headed by Minister of Justice Mohamed Salem.

The republican decision did not provide any further details of casualties. The Sudanese government has released figures of deaths and injuries during the past week’s mass protests, however the numbers quoted by Khartoum fall considerably lower than independent estimates. This official figure is at odds with independent estimates reaching this station. On December 24, Amnesty International quoted “credible reports that 37 protesters have been shot dead by the security forces in five days of anti-government demonstrations that have rocked the country”.

This week, opposition sources adjusted the death toll to 45.

As effective foreign exchange rates can vary widely in Sudan, Radio Dabanga bases all SDG currency conversions on the Market Makers Mechanism-determined daily US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS).

