Oil workers, teachers strike in West Kordofan

The workers at the Belila oil field in West Kordofan embarked on a strike two weeks ago, demanding better pay. Teachers in Abu Zabad locality ended their strike on Sunday after the payment of their September salaries.
“The oil workers downed their tools in protest against their low wages,” an engineer of Petronid Oil Company told Radio Dabanga.

The workers at the Belila oil field in West Kordofan embarked on a strike two weeks ago, demanding better pay. Teachers in Abu Zabad locality ended their strike on Sunday after the payment of their September salaries.

“The oil workers downed their tools in protest against their low wages,” an engineer of Petronid Oil Company told Radio Dabanga.

“After their repeated requests for a salary raise didn’t receive any responses, they decided to stop working on 29 September,” he said. “For four years, the workers and drivers of the company did not receive a salary increase.”

A teacher told Radio Dabanga from Abu Zabad locality that he and his colleagues embarked on a strike on Wednesday in protest against the delay of their salaries. “All teachers working in West Kordofan did not receive their pay in late September.”

The Abu Zabad teachers resumed their work after receiving their salaries on Sunday.

