Official fuel prices raised in North Darfur

The North Darfur state government has increased the official fuel prices according decision by the acting Minister of Finance, Kamal El Sayed Abushouk.

The North Darfur state government has increased the official fuel prices according decision by the acting Minister of Finance, Kamal El Sayed Abushouk.

In accordance with ministerial decision No.2 regarding the amendment of the prices of petroleum products (petrol and diesel), a gallons of petrol for the consumer was increased to SDG 38.25 (*$2) and a gallon of diesel to SDG 28.35 ($1.55).

El Fasher locality security committee ordered the owners of motorcycles operating with a solar system not to move within the city as strictly prohibited and warned that whoever violates this will subject themselves to legal accountability.

Fuel shortages has been felt across Sudan for much of this year due to a structural shortage. Apart from disruption of passenger and goods logistics, lack of fuel also prevents water pumps  and power generators from running, resulting in a breakdown of basic services.

* Based on the official US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS)

