North Darfur asks USA for logistic support on Libyan border

The Governor of North Darfur, Abdelwahed Yousef, has asked a visiting delegation from the US Department of Defence to provide logistic support to control of the vast border with Libya to help combat illegal immigration and human and drug trafficking.

The Governor of North Darfur, Abdelwahed Yousef, has asked a visiting delegation from the US Department of Defence to provide logistic support to control of the vast border with Libya to help combat illegal immigration and human and drug trafficking.

The governor's request came during a meeting in the state capital of El Fasher with a visiting delegation from the US Department of Defence, headed by Wallace R. Bain, the political and economic adviser at the US embassy in Khartoum.

During the meeting, the Governor pointed to the presence of more than 247,000 displaced people in the displaced camps in his state in the peace camps of Abuja, Zamzam, Kassab, and Sortony in Kabkabiya.

He stressed the collection of all types of heavy and light weapons, pointing out that the process of collecting arms included the legalisation of arms for the elements of the regular forces in general.

The head of the delegation, Wallace R. Bain, underlined that the USA is interested in the process of stability in the country.

Canadian delegation

Yesterday a separate delegation from the Canadian parliament, headed by MP Robert Oliphant, visited El Fasher to assess the government's efforts to promote security and peace, and end the war.

Oliphant said his visit was aimed at identifying the situation on the ground, the progress in the peace process in Darfur and the issues of the displaced.

During his meeting with North Darfur Governor, Oliphant said that his visit is also aimed at strengthening relations between parliaments and transferring of experiences.

He pointed out that he was reassured about the situation and will reflect his views on the region in his report to his country's parliament.

