No doctors, medicines in Central Darfur’s Mukjar

Residents of Mukjar locality, Central Darfur, complain of a lack of health care, shortages of medicines and medical staff.
“Many people are taken ill with winter diseases, such as heavy coughing, inflammation, and flues, in particular children. The health situation in the locality is worse than ever, with almost no medical staff or medicines,” a listener told Radio Dabanga from Mukjar town.

Residents of Mukjar locality, Central Darfur, complain of a lack of health care, shortages of medicines and medical staff.

“Many people are taken ill with winter diseases, such as heavy coughing, inflammation, and flues, in particular children. The health situation in the locality is worse than ever, with almost no medical staff or medicines,” a listener told Radio Dabanga from Mukjar town.

“There is no single doctor in the locality, only nurses and health attendants.”

He urged the Central Darfur state authorities to provide doctors and medicines to the locality.

