‘No access to Labado displaced in East Darfur’: OCHA

The more than 13,000 residents of Labado camp for the displaced in Yassin locality, East Darfur, who sought refuge near the Unamid team site in the area more than a week ago, are still living in the open, without aid. On 7 October, the Labado displaced fled the camp en masse, fearing a revenge attack of Rizeigat militant tribesmen, after two of them had been killed in a clash between Ma’aliya camp residents and Rizeigat. “We are still surviving near the Unamid base team site, in the open without food, water, cover, and medicines,” a Labado camp elder told Radio Dabanga on Wednesday. We have not seen any official offering relief until today.” He appealed through Radio Dabanga to the Sudanese authorities and humanitarian organisations to intervene and provide water, food, and shelter materials “as soon as possible”. ‘No access’ The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan confirmed in its latest weekly bulletin of Wednesday that aid agencies have not been able to access the affected people in the area since the fighting began. According to OCHA “some” Labado displaced moved to the Unamid team site for protection. The tension in Labado was diffused following a meeting between the leaders of the warring tribes, with the displaced agreeing to pay “blood money” for the two killed Rizeigat tribesmen. Although an initial instalment of the agreed amount has been paid, tensions remain. File photo: Displaced of the Khor Abeche camp in South Darfur fled to the nearby Unamid team site, after the camp was attacked by paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in March this year. (Alrakoba.net) Related: State of Emergency imposed in East Darfur (14 October 2014)Troops deployed in East Darfur as buffer against tribal clashes (9 October 2014) East Darfur: Labado displaced seek refuge at Unamid base (8 October 2014)

The more than 13,000 residents of Labado camp for the displaced in Yassin locality, East Darfur, who sought refuge near the Unamid team site in the area more than a week ago, are still living in the open, without aid.

On 7 October, the Labado displaced fled the camp en masse, fearing a revenge attack of Rizeigat militant tribesmen, after two of them had been killed in a clash between Ma’aliya camp residents and Rizeigat.

“We are still surviving near the Unamid base team site, in the open without food, water, cover, and medicines,” a Labado camp elder told Radio Dabanga on Wednesday. We have not seen any official offering relief until today.”

He appealed through Radio Dabanga to the Sudanese authorities and humanitarian organisations to intervene and provide water, food, and shelter materials “as soon as possible”.

‘No access’

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan confirmed in its latest weekly bulletin of Wednesday that aid agencies have not been able to access the affected people in the area since the fighting began.

According to OCHA “some” Labado displaced moved to the Unamid team site for protection.

The tension in Labado was diffused following a meeting between the leaders of the warring tribes, with the displaced agreeing to pay “blood money” for the two killed Rizeigat tribesmen. Although an initial instalment of the agreed amount has been paid, tensions remain.

File photo: Displaced of the Khor Abeche camp in South Darfur fled to the nearby Unamid team site, after the camp was attacked by paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in March this year. (Alrakoba.net)


 State of Emergency imposed in East Darfur (14 October 2014)

Troops deployed in East Darfur as buffer against tribal clashes (9 October 2014)

East Darfur: Labado displaced seek refuge at Unamid base (8 October 2014)


