National Consensus Forces, Sudan Revolutionary Front comment on Nyala speech

The speech by Gen. El Sir Bashir Hussein on Sunday in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, in which he referred to using live fire on demonstrators, has incited various reactions. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the spokesman for the National Consensus Forces in South Darfur, Shamseldin Ahmed Saleh, described the speech, and in particular the instructions to use live ammunition against demonstrators, as irresponsible. He pointed to the historical attitudes and sacrifices of the Sudanese army and its dignity. “The Sudanese army sided with the people three times in Sudanese history: during the October Revolution of 1964, the popular uprising of 1984, and during the officers’ revolution of 28 September 1990.” Shamseldin confirmed that the recent demonstrations in Sudan and especially those in Nyala were “100 per cent peaceful.” He appealed to all the Sudanese and especially the people of Darfur “to go onto the streets and stage massive demonstrations in order to completely uproot the Khartoum regime”. The military spokesman for the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi, Adam Saleh, speaking on behalf of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance, claimed that Gen. Hussein’s words confirm “they are the ones who killed and injured dozens of students and citizens during the demonstrations in Nyala.” Saleh added that Hussein talked as “a militia commander and not as a commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces. A real army commander does not threaten citizens with murder and violence.” The spokesman said that the General should meet the SRF forces in the field, “instead of intimidating civilians and threatening to kill defenceless citizens.” File photo: President Omar Al Bashir inspects the Armed Forces during a military parade Related: Bombs dropped on North Darfur; General gives orders to fire on demonstrators in South Darfur (8 October 2013)

The speech by Gen. El Sir Bashir Hussein on Sunday in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, in which he referred to using live fire on demonstrators, has incited various reactions.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the spokesman for the National Consensus Forces in South Darfur, Shamseldin Ahmed Saleh, described the speech, and in particular the instructions to use live ammunition against demonstrators, as irresponsible.

He pointed to the historical attitudes and sacrifices of the Sudanese army and its dignity. “The Sudanese army sided with the people three times in Sudanese history: during the October Revolution of 1964, the popular uprising of 1984, and during the officers’ revolution of 28 September 1990.”

Shamseldin confirmed that the recent demonstrations in Sudan and especially those in Nyala were “100 per cent peaceful.” He appealed to all the Sudanese and especially the people of Darfur “to go onto the streets and stage massive demonstrations in order to completely uproot the Khartoum regime”.

The military spokesman for the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi, Adam Saleh, speaking on behalf of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebel alliance, claimed that Gen. Hussein’s words confirm “they are the ones who killed and injured dozens of students and citizens during the demonstrations in Nyala.”

Saleh added that Hussein talked as “a militia commander and not as a commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces. A real army commander does not threaten citizens with murder and violence.”

The spokesman said that the General should meet the SRF forces in the field, “instead of intimidating civilians and threatening to kill defenceless citizens.”

File photo: President Omar Al Bashir inspects the Armed Forces during a military parade

Related: Bombs dropped on North Darfur; General gives orders to fire on demonstrators in South Darfur (8 October 2013)

