More demonstrations throughout Sudan, 9 wounded in Zalingei

Students from Red Sea University in Port Sudan yesterday went out for demonstrations along with people from Kurmuk in Blue Nile and from the Holy Quran University in Medani demanding the downfall of the regime and a stop to the killing and displacement happening in Darfur. In the national capital, Khartoum, the police stated that it is working on the process of presenting 16 students, males and females, from Nilein University for trials after arresting them the day before in demonstrations that took students from Nilein University to the streets demanding an end to the current regime.

Students from Red Sea University in Port Sudan yesterday went out for demonstrations along with people from Kurmuk in Blue Nile and from the Holy Quran University in Medani demanding the downfall of the regime and a stop to the killing and displacement happening in Darfur. In the national capital, Khartoum, the police stated that it is working on the process of presenting 16 students, males and females, from Nilein University for trials after arresting them the day before in demonstrations that took students from Nilein University to the streets demanding an end to the current regime. In Kurmuk district in Blue Nile, people went out for demonstrations, demanding an end to Bashir’s rule. The protesters appealed against the government and demanded Bashir be presented to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague. In Zalingei, 9 people were wounded in the Wednesday protest and transferred to the hospital for treatment. A witness told radio Dabanga that the authorities released 16 protesters yesterday out of the 23 arrested in Zalingei. The coordinator of displaced camps in Zalingei in an interview with Radio Dabanga accused some people, whom he called reckless, of firing bullets at the protesters and said that the police and security forces used sticks and whips to beat and disperse the protesters who gathered on Wednesday at the Popular square in Zalingei demanding the downfall of the current regime. In Nyala, almost 20 students from Nyala University are still under arrest in the midst of rumors that one of the detainees is suffering from a fracture in the leg. An activist from Nyala University said that the police released 55 of the students arrested in the protests from the public order court in Nyala, stating that 4 of those students have been beaten severely. The activist added to Radio Dabanga that the police and security forces are still present in large numbers around Nyala University. From his side, Abdul Wahid Mohammed Nour, the chairman of the Sudan’s Liberation Movement called on to all the Sudanese, displaced people and refugees to protest against the regime of El-Bashir till the regime falls and present him to the court in Hague. Abdul Wahid told Radio Dabanga that the demonstrations that have started yesterday in the cities of Nyala, Medani, Zalingei, Port Sudan, Blue Nile, and even Khartoum was a response to his movement’s call and will continue till Bashir’s regime falls, pointing out that the revolution in Egypt and Tunisia continued untill the regimes were changed and the Sudanese revolutions of October and April. Abdul Wahid urged the people to have no fear and face the regime and called on the Sudan Armed Forces and the police to protect the Sudanese and the protesters and to not abuse them. Abdul Wahid also called on the political parties and civil societies to participate in the protests for change.

