More bombing of Darfur’s East Jebel Marra, youths harassed

In the Nimra region, East Jebel Marra, resident Abdullah Mohamed was seriously injured on Sunday, reportedly as a result of bombardments by the Sudanese Air Force. On the same day, seven young men from the Tabit area, south of El Fasher, were allegedly detained and harassed by elements of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). A witness informed Radio Dabanga that an Antonov jet started intensive bombing above the area of East Jabel Marra around 8am, continuing until 11am. This led to the injury of Abdullah Mohamed (55). He was taken to the health centre of Shangil Tobaya for treatment. A number of livestock were also killed. The same source reported that on Friday and Saturday, elements of the SAF seized seven young people at the Tabit market, south of El Fasher. The young men were severely beaten and tortured, and their heads were shaven. Afterwards, they had to pay each SDG15 ($3.37) as “barber fees”. The witness added that government forces had erected tents on the roads leading to Tabit, El Fasher, and Nyala. The witness appealed to the authorities to stop these violations and abuses by government and militia forces and bring the perpetrators to justice File photo (Ryan Boyette/Eyes and Ears Nuba) Related: Continued bombing and shelling of Darfur’s East Jebel Marra (12 September) ‘Air raid residue’ kills four children in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra (6 September)

In the Nimra region, East Jebel Marra, resident Abdullah Mohamed was seriously injured on Sunday, reportedly as a result of bombardments by the Sudanese Air Force. On the same day, seven young men from the Tabit area, south of El Fasher, were allegedly detained and harassed by elements of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF).

A witness informed Radio Dabanga that an Antonov jet started intensive bombing above the area of East Jabel Marra around 8am, continuing until 11am. This led to the injury of Abdullah Mohamed (55). He was taken to the health centre of Shangil Tobaya for treatment. A number of livestock were also killed.

The same source reported that on Friday and Saturday, elements of the SAF seized seven young people at the Tabit market, south of El Fasher. The young men were severely beaten and tortured, and their heads were shaven. Afterwards, they had to pay each SDG15 ($3.37) as “barber fees”.

The witness added that government forces had erected tents on the roads leading to Tabit, El Fasher, and Nyala.

The witness appealed to the authorities to stop these violations and abuses by government and militia forces and bring the perpetrators to justice

File photo (Ryan Boyette/Eyes and Ears Nuba)


Continued bombing and shelling of Darfur’s East Jebel Marra (12 September)

‘Air raid residue’ kills four children in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra (6 September)


