Mobile health clinics to screen 5,000 patients in South Darfur

A medical convoy, containing mobile clinics for early screening for cancer, testing for HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases, has arrived in the South Darfur capital. 5,000 patients are planned to be treated.

A medical convoy, containing mobile clinics for early screening for cancer, testing for HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases, has arrived in the South Darfur capital. 5,000 patients are planned to be treated.

The convoy took six days to arrive in Nyala from Katila locality, and includes 18 specialists, general doctors and paramedics.

Ahmed Mohamed Daoulbeit, the head of the convoy and of the youth association in Katila told reporters in Nyala that the convoy contains clinics specialised in early screening for cancer of the gums, HIV testing and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. This in addition to small operations of cleft lips and circumcision of children.The convoy carries life-saving medicines, Daoulbeit added.

Electric power failure

Basic stage pupils and their parents in Nyala have complained of electric power failures during the exam period in March. “This happens every year, without any solution coming from the state government.”

The electricity station director, Bahruldin Yahya Sharif, attributed the problem to a breakdown of seven of the 14 generators which led to a decrease in the daily production to 10 megawatts in the city. He said that the programme division of the city was forced to use three segments, with each part getting power after every two days.

