Militia commander killed in South Kordofan battle

Sudan’s Defence Minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, on Sunday announced the death of the Second Field Commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in South Kordofan on Saturday. Colonel Hussein Jabreldar was killed during a battle last week between government forces and rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), in the area of Daldako, east of South Kordofan’s capital of Kadugli. Daldako is a strategic village, and considered the SPLM-N’s second largest stronghold. The sources said that shrapnel of a rocket-propelled grenade hit the commander’s vehicle, killing him and several soldiers. Both the Defence Ministry and the SPLM-N, fighting under the banner of the Sudan Revolutionary Front, have claimed victory in the battle. File photo: SPLM-N combatants in Blue Nile State (Radio Tamazuj) 

Sudan’s Defence Minister, Abdel Rahim Mohamed Hussein, on Sunday announced the death of the Second Field Commander of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in South Kordofan on Saturday.

Colonel Hussein Jabreldar was killed during a battle last week between government forces and rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), in the area of Daldako, east of South Kordofan’s capital of Kadugli.

Daldako is a strategic village, and considered the SPLM-N’s second largest stronghold.

The sources said that shrapnel of a rocket-propelled grenade hit the commander’s vehicle, killing him and several soldiers.

Both the Defence Ministry and the SPLM-N, fighting under the banner of the Sudan Revolutionary Front, have claimed victory in the battle.

File photo: SPLM-N combatants in Blue Nile State (Radio Tamazuj) 

