Military junta says it is ready to negotiate with the Alliance for Freedom and Change

The Transitional Military Council announced on Sunday that it is ready to negotiate with the Alliance for Freedom and Change. The TMC responded to the proposals of the Ethiopian and African Union mediators.

Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemeti’, deputy chairman of the Transitional Military Council

The Transitional Military Council announced on Sunday that it is ready to negotiate with the Alliance for Freedom and Change. The TMC responded to the proposals of the Ethiopian and African Union mediators.

The junta's spokesman, Shamsedin El Kabbashi, said that "the TMC has handed over its response to the joint African-Ethiopian team of the African and Ethiopian envoys".

He added: "This document affirms that the proposals from the African Union constitute an excellent basis for negotiation and that the TMC is are ready to negotiate from today."

El Kabbashi expressed the TMC’s hope of finding a comprehensive political solution for the better of all and under the umbrella of the African Union.


Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemeti’, deputy chairman of the military junta, said that the dialogue with the AFC has gone a long way on many issues and that the TMC seeks to reach a comprehensive agreement that does not exclude anyone, so as to reassure that the transitional period will be without problems.

While addressing a crowd at Soba in Khartoum Hemeti said: "The role of the TMC during the transitional period is confined to sponsoring the revolution, protecting it and ensuring it maintains its course, until elections are held." He added that the role of the military council is not only protecting the citizens but also guaranteeing that the peacefulness of the revolution is being maintained.

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