Military intelligence beat health centre workers in Central Darfur

Two centres working in the field of children’s health and nutrition in Guldo area, Central Darfur, were closed after military intelligence members beat and detained employees. A government official declared

Two centres working in the field of children's health and nutrition in Guldo area, Central Darfur, were closed after military intelligence members beat and detained several employees. A government official declared that the centres have started working again.

A witness in the area told Radio Dabanga that military intelligence personnel beat four persons and detained one of them for a full day before releasing him again. The four had brought items with them for children who suffer from malnutrition, the witness explained, after obtaining a permit from the military intelligence in Nierteti.

Upon arrival in Guldo, the intelligence forces refused to accept the permit and demanded the employees to get a new local permit. This resulted in the closure of the two centres and the beatings of the four men.

Their names, the witness said, are Abraham Adam Abakar Ibrahim, Abdel Gader Eisa, and Saber Suleiman Adam, and the detained employee was Abdel Gader.

