Military deployed to prevent tribal clashes in western Sudan

The authorities of the West Kordofan and Eastern Darfur on Saturday deployed a military force to secure the dividing borders between the homelands of the Ma’aliya and Hamar tribes. On Friday, clashes erupted between Ma’aliya and Hamar tribesmen, which resulted in the death of 29 men, and the injury of 23 others from both sides. The Speaker of the national parliament, El Fateh Izeldin, announced on Saturday the formation of a joint mechanism consisting of MPs from both parties to prepare for a reconciliation conference planned for 12 June in West Kordofan’s capital of El Fula. File photo Related:Ma’aliya-Hamar conflict flares up; dozens killed in East Darfur (23 May 2014) ‘Avoid famine, expedite Ma’aliya-Hamar reconciliation in East Darfur’: Nazir (20 May 2014) Ma’aliya, Hamar clash in East Darfur and West Kordofan (6 April 2014)

The authorities of the West Kordofan and Eastern Darfur on Saturday deployed a military force to secure the dividing borders between the homelands of the Ma’aliya and Hamar tribes.

On Friday, clashes erupted between Ma’aliya and Hamar tribesmen, which resulted in the death of 29 men, and the injury of 23 others from both sides.

The Speaker of the national parliament, El Fateh Izeldin, announced on Saturday the formation of a joint mechanism consisting of MPs from both parties to prepare for a reconciliation conference planned for 12 June in West Kordofan’s capital of El Fula.

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Ma’aliya-Hamar conflict flares up; dozens killed in East Darfur (23 May 2014)

‘Avoid famine, expedite Ma’aliya-Hamar reconciliation in East Darfur’: Nazir (20 May 2014)

Ma’aliya, Hamar clash in East Darfur and West Kordofan (6 April 2014)

