Merchant killed in Kassala, eastern Sudan

A man was shot and killed in his house in Kassala on Monday while he was trying to protect youths from militiamen.

(file photo)

A man was shot and killed in his house in Kassala on Monday while he was trying to protect youths from militiamen.

Members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) shot and killed merchant Khidir Mohamed in his house in Kassala, early Monday morning. His wife and children were also in the house.

A witness said that a RSF patrol stopped a number of youths from Hamid Wakil village, in the northern side of Kassala. “They seized their phones and belongings, after which the youths ran away.”

They took refuge at Khidir Mohamed’s house, but where followed by members of the RSF. “They opened fire on Mohamed while he tried to protect the youth.”

At the time of reporting it is unclear whether the relatives of the dead have filed a report with the police.

