Medical strike now covers 136 facilities in Sudan

The widespread strike that began in protest against attacks on doctors and medical professionals in Sudan has spread to 136 hospitals and health facilities as it enters its second week.

The widespread strike that began in protest against attacks on doctors and medical professionals in Sudan has spread to 136 hospitals and health facilities as it enters its second week.

The Central Committee of Doctors confirmed this number to Radio Dabanga, remarking that many of the strikers have been mistreated by medical authorities and institutions.

The Committee’s Dr Mohamed El Naji told Radio Dabanga that the authorities’ tactic of returning of some interns to the academic hospitals is “contrary to the regulations of training”.

He said that “Kassala hospital management has withdrawn nurses from the emergency section in an attempt to embarrass the doctors, but they have not responded to that provocation. Omdurman hospital management has prevented doctors from entering the hospital.”

On Wednesday, Sudan’s federal Health Minister, Bahar Abugarda, held a meeting with Bahri Hospital doctors in Khartoum state after they decided to enter into a mass strike should their immediate needs not be met.

Dr El Naji said that the Minister confirmed response to meeting all the demands of the Bahri hospital doctors.


He said that “the doctors’ strike derives its power from the unity of the doctors around their Committee,” adding that “these government abuses will only strengthen the doctors’ resolve to achieve their legitimate demands.”

The Committee confirmed in a statement that it considers filing legal cases against those abuses and injustices as a top priority.

Emergency cases

The committee renewed its commitment to cover emergency cases as a moral and professional obligation while continuing to strike with cold cases until their demands are met.

It pointed out that “the strike is not to harm citizens but to improve the therapeutic reality”.

Solidarity and support

Broad sectors of the Sudanese community including political parties, armed movements, civil society organisations, and work unions have expressed solidarity and support for the doctors' strike.

The National Consensus Forces, Sudan Appeal, the Communist Party, the Umma Party, the Baath Party, the Sudanese Congress Party and the Federal Unionist parties have announced their support for the doctors ' legitimate demands.

Khalid Omar, the Deputy President of the Sudanese Congress Party announced standing with doctors to get their rights and dignity as part of the dignity of the Sudanese people.


The Sudanese expat doctors in Britain, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have expressed their absolute support for the Sudanese doctors' strike.

The Sudanese journalists’ network has also expressed support for the legitimate demands of the doctors and called on all media to reflect the causes of the doctors and their strike.

The security services banned newspapers from publishing any activities or news about the doctors’ strike by forcing editors adopt a line hostile to the strike. In addition, the Sudanese security apparatus is flooding of the social media with confusing and conflicting reports about the doctors’ strike and demands.

