Malik Agar rejects new law on popular consultation

SPLM-North-chairman and Blue Nile Governor Malik Agar expressed his full rejection of the law passed by the National Congress regarding the popular consultation in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. He described this law, which was voted by the Council of Ministers without his consultation, as unilateral and unfair, and called on the public to resist massively by means of peaceful manifestations. The proposed text would extend the popular consultation in the two states for a period of six months, as well as allow the Sudanese president to extend it further at the request of the commission. In a press statement, he further developed that this law was going against the Doha Peace agreement, the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement and the Blue Nile government; and that he would therefore not recognise it.

SPLM-North-chairman and Blue Nile Governor Malik Agar expressed his full rejection of the law passed by the National Congress regarding the popular consultation in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. He described this law, which was voted by the Council of Ministers without his consultation, as unilateral and unfair, and called on the public to resist massively by means of peaceful manifestations. The proposed text would extend the popular consultation in the two states for a period of six months, as well as allow the Sudanese president to extend it further at the request of the commission. In a press statement, he further developed that this law was going against the Doha Peace agreement, the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement and the Blue Nile government; and that he would therefore not recognise it.

The popular consultation, initially scheduled to take place this July at the latest, is supposed to collect both populations’ views on the implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, as well as their position regarding the involvement of their regions in the national Government.

