Local government workers released in West Darfur

The authorities of the state of West Darfur released four workers in the civil administrations in Dar Masalit on Saturday on a type of bail called “ordinary guarantee” after detaining them for close to two months.

The authorities of the state of West Darfur released four workers in the civil administrations in Dar Masalit on Saturday on a type of bail called “ordinary guarantee” after detaining them for close to two months. One of the workers, Ezz Eldin Adam Abdul Rahman, told Radio Dabanga that they were accused of inciting the assassination of the commissioner of Kereinik and the chairperson of the legislative assembly of Kereinik and that they were investigated. He added that they were innocent and have not even met the two people who they were accused of planning to assassinate.

The three other workers were Salih Arbab, Jamal Abdul Jabar Shidda and Abdulla Abakr Elzubair, who were arrested on the 4 April. The authorities had prevented their relatives and a committee from the civil administration from visiting them for a period of time.

