LJM signs political and military agreement with Sudan Government

The Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and the delegate of the government of Sudan in Doha signed political and military partnership agreements. The secretary-general of the LJM, Bahr Abu Gureida signed on behalf of his movement while Dr. Amin Hassan Omar signed on behalf of the government. Taj Eldin Naim, a leading figure in the LJM and a former chief negotiator of the faction before the signing of the Doha document revealed that the agreement stated that the post of two ministers and four state ministers should be given to Darfur, with the post of one minister and two state ministers given to the LJM and the remaining posts being reserved for the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in case it joins and signs the agreement during the given period of three months.
He also stated that the LJM has taken its share of the agreement at the level of Darfur by chairing the provincial authorities and taking the post of one of the governors of the three states along with other posts. Furthermore, he revealed that the division of power in Darfur was based on an agrrement that half of the governmental posts would be given to the LJM, and the other half to the other factions.

The Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and the delegate of the government of Sudan in Doha signed political and military partnership agreements. The secretary-general of the LJM, Bahr Abu Gureida signed on behalf of his movement while Dr. Amin Hassan Omar signed on behalf of the government. Taj Eldin Naim, a leading figure in the LJM and a former chief negotiator of the faction before the signing of the Doha document revealed that the agreement stated that the post of two ministers and four state ministers should be given to Darfur, with the post of one minister and two state ministers given to the LJM and the remaining posts being reserved for the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in case it joins and signs the agreement during the given period of three months.

He also stated that the LJM has taken its share of the agreement at the level of Darfur by chairing the provincial authorities and taking the post of one of the governors of the three states along with other posts. Furthermore, he revealed that the division of power in Darfur was based on an agrrement that half of the governmental posts would be given to the LJM, and the other half to the other factions.

Taj Eldin Naim announced for his side that the LJM signed a political partnership protocol between the National Congress Party (NCP) and the LJM. The agreement was signed by Ahmed Abdul Shafie, the deputy-chairman of the movement and Amin Hassan Omar on behalf of the NCP. He also asserted that the political partnership agreement aimed to enhance the peace process in Darfur  after the signing of the Doha document.

