Lawyers protest detention of Darfuri journalists, activists

A group of Darfuri lawyers Wednesday organized a symposium in Khartoum in solidarity with the Darfuri activists and journalists who have been detained without charge since last October. Mr. Abdullah Khater addressed the event, condemning the arrests as illegal and unconstitutional. He said that the detainees have rights including notification of their family of their whereabouts, and the right to fair and transparent legal proceedings. Mr. Abdullah said that the President of the Republic would be held responsible for the excesses and gross violations that took place against detainees.

A group of Darfuri lawyers Wednesday organized a symposium in Khartoum in solidarity with the Darfuri activists and journalists who have been detained without charge since last October. Mr. Abdullah Khater addressed the event, condemning the arrests as illegal and unconstitutional. He said that the detainees have rights including notification of their family of their whereabouts, and the right to fair and transparent legal proceedings. Mr. Abdullah said that the President of the Republic would be held responsible for the excesses and gross violations that took place against detainees. Another speaker, Ms. Hala Abdelhalim, an human rights activist, for her part condemned the violations that took place against detainees. She also called for keeping in mind the situation of women in the camps in Darfur. Other speakers at the event were Mr. Ismail Al Taj from UNMIS,  and Hamid Mohamed Hamid, an human rights activist and Umma Party official.

