‘Lawyer still detained for pro-Nuba speech’: Nuba Mountains centre

The Nuba Mountains Centre for Dialogue and Strategic Planning called for the release of a lawyer who was arrested for delivering a “racist speech” last May. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the deputy-president of the Nuba Mountains Centre, Nasser El Ihamir Betergano, said that the arrest of lawyer El Haj Gadim happened against the backdrop of a celebration of the Nubian heritage in May. Gadim, also the president of the Karko Association of the Nuba, called for the preservation of the Nubian heritage during his speech in Umbadda. The authorities considered this a racist speech, Betergano said, and arrested him.He added that security forces confiscated Gadim’s car and banned his family from seeing him in the Kober prison. Betergano called via Radio Dabanga on humanitarian, human rights, and international organisations for his release or a trial before a court. File photo: Nuba school children in Lowere (Lucian Niemeyer)

The Nuba Mountains Centre for Dialogue and Strategic Planning called for the release of a lawyer who was arrested for delivering a “racist speech” last May.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, the deputy-president of the Nuba Mountains Centre, Nasser El Ihamir Betergano, said that the arrest of lawyer El Haj Gadim happened against the backdrop of a celebration of the Nubian heritage in May. Gadim, also the president of the Karko Association of the Nuba, called for the preservation of the Nubian heritage during his speech in Umbadda. The authorities considered this a racist speech, Betergano said, and arrested him.

He added that security forces confiscated Gadim’s car and banned his family from seeing him in the Kober prison. Betergano called via Radio Dabanga on humanitarian, human rights, and international organisations for his release or a trial before a court.

File photo: Nuba school children in Lowere (Lucian Niemeyer)

