‘Lack of water, electricity’ in South Darfur public hospital

Citizens and displaced in South Darfur are complaining about the “deteriorating conditions” of a local public hospital, which “lacks drinking water” and faces frequent power shortages. Sources from Girayda also said that due to high medicine prices, the hospital does not have enough drugs for its patients. This is causing the spread of diseases and it is worsening the situation of the sick, Radio Dabanga has leaned. In addition, treatments at the Girayda hospital are also “exorbitantly” expensive. Patients must pay 10 Sudanese pounds ($2.25) to see a doctor and they must bear all costs involved in the consultations, what may add up to 500 SDG ($113).Displaced persons, allegedly the most affected group by the hospital’s conditions, are demanding that humanitarian organizations, and local and state authorities improve health services.They also are demanding the provision of medicines, especially those against tuberculosis.File photo

Citizens and displaced in South Darfur are complaining about the “deteriorating conditions” of a local public hospital, which “lacks drinking water” and faces frequent power shortages.

Sources from Girayda also said that due to high medicine prices, the hospital does not have enough drugs for its patients. This is causing the spread of diseases and it is worsening the situation of the sick, Radio Dabanga has leaned. 

In addition, treatments at the Girayda hospital are also “exorbitantly” expensive. Patients must pay 10 Sudanese pounds ($2.25) to see a doctor and they must bear all costs involved in the consultations, what may add up to 500 SDG ($113).

Displaced persons, allegedly the most affected group by the hospital’s conditions, are demanding that humanitarian organizations, and local and state authorities improve health services.

They also are demanding the provision of medicines, especially those against tuberculosis.

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