Khartoum rallies commemorate June 3 massacre

Rallies for justice and retribution were launched yesterday in Khartoum, to commemorate the June 3 massacre at the sit-in in front of the army command exactly three months ago, and in memory of the demonstrators killed during the mass protests of September and October 2013.

Protestors carrying signs in Khartoum yesterday (Social media)

Rallies for justice and retribution were launched yesterday in Khartoum, to commemorate the June 3 massacre at the sit-in in front of the army command exactly three months ago, and in memory of the demonstrators killed during the mass protests of September and October 2013.

The rallies, which converged from all over the capital, demanded an independent judiciary, a fair investigation into the June 3 massacre, which claimed the lives of more than 100 people, to bring those involved to justice, and to disclose the fate of the missing persons.

Largest rally

The largest rally moved from the central bus station in Khartoum North via the Mak Nimir Bridge to the Ministry of Justice.

The participants chanted slogans and carried banners condemning the killing of peaceful demonstrators, demanding retribution and declaring its solidarity with the people who went missing during the attack on the sit-in on June 3.

Anti-riot police

Anti-riot police cordoned off the Ministry of Justice and prevented demonstrators from entering. The protest leaders were able to hand a memorandum to the Ministry of Justice demanding just and urgent retribution for the victims of the Al Bashir regime since the military coup in which he seized power in 1989, including those fallen in September-October 2013 and during the December 2018 uprising.

The memorandum criticises the role of the judiciary during the past period, explaining that it has not lived up to the responsibility required by its mandate. It demands that the judges reform or resign.

It also warned the future justice minister, who will be appointed shortly, against any procrastination in handling the victims' cases, stressing that these crimes are not subject to a statute of limitations.


In Omdurman, hundreds of people staged a protest in front of the Central Omdurman Court demanding retribution during the third session of the trial against the killers of teacher Ahmed El Kheir, who was allegedly tortured to death in Khashm El Girba in Kassala on February 2.

Family members of demonstrators killed, teachers, and activists took part in the rally, raising pictures of people killed during the uprising, and chanting slogans demanding retribution.

Initiative for Missing People

On Tuesday evening, the coordination committee of the Initiative for Missing People, set up by the Sudanese Professionals Association, held a press conference, during which it renewed its call to disclose the fate of all people who went missing during the attack on the sit-in on June 3. About 20 people have already been accounted for, whether dead or detained. 23 people are still missing.

Al Bashir supporters

On Tuesday, police used tear gas and batons to disperse a vigil by supporters of ousted President Al Bashir in front of Kober Prison in Khartoum North,.

The protestors demanded the release of members of the former regime who are detained in the prison.


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