Journalists in Sudan call for freedom of expression

Journalists in Sudan call on the National Council of Press and Publication to respect freedom of expression. During the interim period, leading up to secession of South Sudan, six newspapers (Arab newspaper: The bells of Freedom, Khartoum Monitor, Juba Post, Sudan Tribune, the Advocate, and The Democrat) lost their license, under the pretext that some of its shareholders were based in southern Sudan. Reportedly this was in violation with the Interim Constitution, signed by the government and the SPLM. The network of Sudanese Journalists condemned this decision, and demand that freedom of expression will be honored and that new licenses will be granted, under the new status quo.

Journalists in Sudan call on the National Council of Press and Publication to respect freedom of expression. During the interim period, leading up to secession of South Sudan, six newspapers (Arab newspaper: The bells of Freedom, Khartoum Monitor, Juba Post, Sudan Tribune, the Advocate, and The Democrat) lost their license, under the pretext that some of its shareholders were based in southern Sudan. Reportedly this was in violation with the Interim Constitution, signed by the government and the SPLM.

The network of Sudanese Journalists condemned this decision, and demand that freedom of expression will be honored and that new licenses will be granted, under the new status quo.

